Start Ups

Steve Blank once said: "A startup is not a smaller version of a large company"

Startups are about searching for a business model, not executing a business plan

People treat Startups like a large company. They use the techniques and strategies that they learned in big companies and apply them for startups. It doesn't work that way.

The major difference between large companies and startups is that startups are based on assumptions, nothing is proven yet. You think you know your market, your customer and your revenue model, etc. However, the truth is that all of these are just assumptions that need to be proven. In contrast, in a large company you know your market, customer and how to make money and you are ready to execute on them.

Startups evolve and go through different stages to finally arrive at the stage of a large enterprise. Every stage differs in goals and challenges.

For support and help with the start-up companies please contact us.

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